Ville - Biot
Téléphone - +33 4 89 88 36 36
Assurance auto

Comparez plus de 25 assureurs parmi les leaders du marché.

Mutuelle santé

Comparez plus de 160 offres avec une économie moyenne de 56%.

Assurance habitation

Comparez plus de 100 assureurs et économisez plus de 100€ par an.

Assurance animaux

Comparez 95 devis d'assurance adaptés pour vos animaux.

  • Avis ajouté par Alan Gordon

    The service and benefits are very good, but the annual increases are too much for my Wife and I are currently paying 308-01 euros for the two of us each month totalling 3,696-12 euros, but if it keeps increasing like this, we will not be able to afford the payments, I realise we are getting older each year, but I feel the increases should be based on what financial claims we have had for the year.

  • Avis ajouté par John Ralph

    Your telephone service is useless. Message spoken too fast with no gaps for the listener to absorb the message. Even my French neighbour could not understand the mesage.

  • Avis ajouté par Howell Edwards

    Not had to claim so no experience of that. Payments have been when expenditure has been incurred quite efficiently.

  • Avis ajouté par Gillian Lodder

    I am very happy with business, It would be helpful if I could at times speak with someone in English

  • Avis ajouté par Robert Home

    Incompetence of the highest order if I could give zero stars that would be too many

  • Avis ajouté par Ray Broome

    The system is working well

  • Avis ajouté par David Thomas

    always very prompt with any query

  • Avis ajouté par kaetano fz

    Nickel nickel nickel nickel nickel nickel nickel

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823 notes

  • Dimanche


  • Lundi

    8h30 - 18h

  • Mardi

    8h30 - 18h

  • Mercredi

    8h30 - 18h

  • Jeudi

    8h30 - 18h

  • Vendredi

    8h30 - 18h

  • Samedi
